Tuesday 21 February 2017

Difference between Green and Sustainable manufacturing

Most of times, while studying  Green manufacturing, often their is a confusion that Green manufacturing is same as Sustainable manufacturing because in both we are trying to use our resources to full without exploitation and in a manner that it does not harm living organisms. When  I started reading about Green manufacturing, it interest me because here we are trying to save our mother nature but then I got confused that we are doing the same in sustainable manufacturing as well. My confusion get clear when I came across a figure I would like to share:

This figure explains the difference. Green Manufacturing is something in which our focus is on people and plant i.e. we are concerned about social and environmental issues but in case of Sustainable Manufacturing one another important factor that act is organisations's economy i.e. profit.

Lets understand this with the help of an example,Suppose of a condition in which bio-fuels are costlier than petrol, than as per green manufacturing the use of bio-fuels is recommended as it benefits people as well as planet but as per sustainability the use of petrol is still not recommended as the use of bio-fuels does not provide organizational benefit.

Industries today work on Sustainability and to make a process sustainable the first step is to make it Green only then can think of sustainability. So, we can conclude that Green Manufacturing is an important and significant step towards sustainability.

In case of any doubt , please leave a comment. And if their is any other part of Green manufacturing to be understood, you can mail or leave a comment.

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